Do you feel it?
The sounds of snow being crushed underneath footsteps,
The sea of people preparing their respective festivities,
The sky adored with lights despite it being the dead of night,
That chill in the air that tells you that someway, somehow, things will be okay.
There’s only one time of year when all of this is the case…
Yes, it’s the Holidays once again! The Lunar Snowfall, in our case!
It is the time when we all come together to celebrate unity and goodwill.
Even those… with a bit of a chip on their shoulder.
Even… those who are free!
Like me!
Why hello there, Fools! How lovely it is to see you again!
I know what you’re thinking; “Eek! Run for the hills! It’s that terrible yet adorable Alison Wonderland, here to ruin our night with her games and tyranny!”
First of all, you flatter me!
Second, there is no need to be afraid! As I said earlier, this is the time of year when we all come together in, dare I say, “harmony”! Hehe!
See what I did there?
Now then, pleasantries aside, I have no desire for games…at least, for the moment.
No, I’m simply here to bring you all a gift of sorts! I was catching up on some reading and found some stories you just might enjoy!
A perfect way to properly celebrate, no?
Daven Bays, from outside the window:
But I’m not done yet!
Those stories are just a free trial of what I got cooking up!
Act now and you get a special preview of what me and my writer got for the future, go on and take a look inside that book jester lady!
Leaves you wanting more huh? Pre-order my new story coming out probably next year!
It’s chump change really, just a generous donation to your ol pal Daven Bays!
I do apologize for the…slight interruption. That shall never happen again.
…Don’t worry he’ll be back to normal eventually. He just needs a bit of time to “cool down”, hehe!
So about those stories!
In this book are three short tales, all of them follow those…damn fools you seem to like so much.
Your questionable taste aside, they feature these fools as they go about celebrating the Holidays with whatever innate hijinx that comes along with it.
Go on now, take your pick!
I personally recommend going from left to right but hey, I’m not the boss of you.
Or am I? Hehe!
I will say, however, once you’re done reading these stories, come back to me and there might just be a little something extra just for you!
Only come back once you’ve read all three stories though! I’ll know, trust me~
Now go on! Enjoy the stories fool!
(wait, why is the illustration for this story that the salesman was talking about intriguing me..?)