Story Three: It’s Cold Outside

The halls of the castle are quiet, the guards finally get a day where they can rest. The Lunar Snowfall is to thank for that... along with something else.

One room where even the air is tense is the Library, where a certain Knight is pacing around the room.

"What do we do... what can we do? The snow isn't letting out, and we're already behind schedule." Edric murmurs to himself.

He continues to think out loud to himself until he hears familiar footsteps enter the room.

"Edric, what are you doing darling?" Marylyn asks.

"Oh uh... your Highness I-" Edric abruptly says before being cut off by Marylyn as she closes the door behind her.

"Shh... it's just us here. Now tell me what's wrong" Marylyn reassures. 

"M-Marylyn I...we're snowed in." Edric sighed.

"I had so many plans for our morning walk today, we were gonna enjoy the early morning sky, we were gonna have the ice skating rink all to ourselves, we were even gonna get some hot chocolate from that tavern you like. Now with this stupid snow, it's all-" Edric explained in a frustrated yet somber tone.

Marylyn grabbed onto Edrics left hand, only for him to use his right hand to slowly reach for her right hand, their fingers interlocking and helping ground Edric.

"You know it doesn't have to be today my darling. Besides, today is a special day, we have the Library all to ourselves. Let's take advantage of that." Marylyn lovingly explains.

"B-but what if people come in or they think that-" 

Before he could finish his thought, Marylyn showed off the key to the Library, showing that she locked the entrance to the Library. 

"You were saying?" Marylyn snarkily remarked.

"You little sneak, I thought only the King had the keys to all the rooms!" Edric thought.

"Considering how distant he's been lately and how crafty I can be, are you really surprised?" Marylyn teased.

"Not even a little." Edric laughed as he lifted her up and spun her around until they both landed on the chair in front of the fireplace.

The two then got a book detailing the structure and building of Starfall Castle. They envelop themselves in a blanket together, enveloped in not only the book but the love of someone who truly understands them.

It isn't long until they both fall asleep, the two laying next to each other and the book slumped on both their lap.

While the two were alone in the Library, that doesn't mean they weren't heard...

A certain Master of the Skies, who was simply there to steal the Cafeteria's bagel, tuna, and spicy mayo to make a tuna bagel sandwich, overheard bits and pieces of what Edric and Marylyn were saying as he was crawling through the vents.

He didn't think much of their sentimentality, but as he was assembling his sandwich, he got a wonderfully awful idea.

"ARGARG YES!!! I shall shovel away the snow from this castle come nightfall so that their plans of having their mushy moment in the daytime be continue to be all for naught! The irony will send that blasted Knight and Princess spiraling! It's perfect!" Captain Cielo cackles to himself.

As Cielo is maniacally laughing to himself, tuna sandwich in hand, he hears something and immediately preps himself, sandwich in mouth and cutlass in hand.

"Whoth goesh sthere, schow yourschelf!" Cielo yells, with the sandwich still in his mouth.

"You do know that will not stop them, yes? And please chew and swallow. I detest the sound of open-mouth chewing." A robotic voice says as it echoes through the Cafeteria.
It’s Cee.2!

Cielo respectfully finishes his meal and swallows, until he eventually realizes the situation. 

"Oh, it's the robot! Ye wish to dual don't ye!" Cielo threatens.

"As much as I would love to burn you alive, it's the Lunar Snowfall, the season of unity and goodwill. It seems it's affecting you as well, Pirate." Cee.2 remarks.

Cielo looks at her, incredibly dumbfounded.

"Shoveling the snow off the castle will only allow them to have their date in the nighttime, which I'm sure after some convincing on Marylyn's end will be fine for the both of them, idiot." Cee.2 dumbs down for CIelo.

"Oh." Cielo says.

Silence fills the room for a couple of seconds.

"Well, even if I still shovel the snow, their plans for their little date will be saved and it'll all be thanks to me! Those two will be indebted to their arch-nemesis! ArgArg! The irony brings a tear to me eye, it's perfect!" Cielo concludes, once again cackling to himself as he scurries into the vents with the help of one of his Rats.

Cee.2, not understanding what just happened, shrugs it off. She then looks at the locked Library room.

"A season of not only unity and goodwill... but love as well." Cee.2 thinks to herself.

Despite her circumstances, she can clearly see not only the love Edric and Marylyn have for one another, but possibly... love she may have for her new family.

"I shall continue to protect you two...that is my present to you two." Cee.2 promises as she goes to clean the Cafeteria.