Dear Diary,
”Today was… a bit of a first for me. It’s only been about a couple of months since me and Serenity met Harmony and needless to say, she’s been making a bit of an impact on Crescentia. Becoming a thief, trying and failing to clean up her image, getting in trouble with Captain Edric, and fighting those… monsters. I wonder if Captain Edric or the Princess has looked into those things, I’m sure they are. The Stars know how gung-ho Captain Edric is about keeping the Kingdom safe…
Back to Harmony, despite how reckless and admittedly frustrating she can be at times, she’s… been so friendly to all of us. Heck, it’s her kindness and fondness for that weird bug cartoon that got her to stay with Ernesto while me and Serenity stay in the Nightfall Academy dorms. Serenity doesn’t use her room nowadays anyway so that checks out.
As for me… she’s been especially kind towards me, at least I think. Just the other day when Serenity and Mystery were out and about, it was just us so we got some magic training done right? She then started asking me about what’s it like being a detective. Such a simple question and yet, as I was explaining, she had this… glimmer in her eyes. Those bright red eyes intently looking at me, focusing as I explained such a mundane part of my life.. yet she loved it.
She even asked about my eyes and as I explained my sunglasses rule, she was so… understanding. Aside from Serenity and Ernesto, everyone always scoffs at my stupid rule, especially…them. I don’t wish to talk about them right now anyway, this is about… Harmony.
Damn it, just writing that name made my hands shake and my heart skip a beat. What in the world is happening to me!? I’ve been saddled with such… mysterious feelings, feelings I’ve never felt before or can even understand.
I’m so used to being able to solve any puzzle of the mind, but I’ve finally found one where I am unable to put the pieces together, and it is of my own creation.
I suppose I should just sleep on this, perhaps someday I’ll solve this problem. Somehow.
- Mystery