The Lost Memory of a Future
Age: ???
Pronouns: She/Her
Species: Robot
After a certain event involving a certain band of thieves, Cee.2 was awakened after an unknown amount of years.
She awoke not only with no memory of her past but with a thirst to crush anything that stood in her way which led to a grand clash when she first awoke, despite her being in a terrible condition body-wise.
It wasn’t long until both Edric and Marylyn somehow got Cee to hear the two of them out to not reduce the kingdom to ash and were even offered repairs. Now, with a reluctant friendship formed between the three and a promise to help her recover her memories, Cee.2 is indebted to the Princess and her Knight and knows just how to repay it.
Becoming the nuke of Crescentia, figuratively speaking of course.
Whenever there’s a grand threat to the kingdom or if Starfall Castle needs patrolling, Cee is more than prepared to serve and fight with all that she is.
Cee.2 has a sharp tongue and is not afraid to speak her mind, all while having a very cynical sense of humor. Despite this, she’s very calculative when it’s time to fight and makes for a great strategist, despite being a bit hard to reason with at times.
If there is an enemy in front of her, she will not hesitate to destroy it. But is it for the sake of destruction… or maybe a love for her newfound family..?
Powers: Not only can she use her claws to slash at opponents, but she can swap out her claws for either a sword made from light or a buster imbued with light. She can also fly using her wings, which may look like a cloak, but it doubles as wings!