Agatha Chalice

The Fragrance of a Welcome Home

Age: 40
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: Aro/Ace
Species: Witch

The owner and bartender for the local Tavern in Crescentia!
Agatha isn’t the biggest fan of magic. While she doesn’t outright hate it, it’s not her cup of tea either, so she took up being a bartender! She spends her days tending to locals who frequent her Tavern and deeply cares for the well-being of said Tavern.
Harmony, Serenity, and Mystery often frequent this place, not only for some nice Hot Chocolate, but they come to her for advice and to just talk. She’s just got that vibe, you know? The kind where you can tell her something and she’ll go “Wow, that so?” She’s a pretty good listener as you can tell and loves to hear about what’s going on in one’s life.

Powers: None, she can’t even perform Act 1 abilities.




Annabelle & Lilypad